
Thanks for coming to Woodstoke 2021

We would like to say a HUGE THANKS to everyone who took part in Woodstoke.

We hope you had a great time, learnt lots and made or renewed some friendships.

If you also took away some pots that you love then that’s a bonus as well.

Kiln Masters and their kilns

Maureen Allison

Maureen will be in charge of her large Anagama kiln. This firing will already be underway when you arrive on Thursday and Maureen will be needing willing stokers to continue firing through until late Friday night.

Anagama kiln

Firing to around 1200 to 1280. If you want work in this firing then see the ‘Dates to Remember’ section and send off your pieces. The kiln will be going when you arrive and will fire through to about Friday evening.

Paul Maseyk

Paul is in charge of the kiln built by Isaac Patmore during last Woodstoke. Paul was inspired by Isaac’s kiln and went home to build his own version in Taranaki, now a skilled master in firing this style of kiln, Paul will need a crew to load and fire this kiln.

Fast Fire Kiln (Isaac’s Kiln)

Firing to 1300. A turbo charged rocket kiln, like a V8 in a mini, this kiln will get hot. Wadding comes to the fore as tumble stacked raw work needs a steady hand when loading. With a dash of soda in the mix there will be some rich surfaces from this firing.

Duncan Shearer

Duncan is in charge of the tunnel kiln and will fire in the provincial French style of terracotta ware. Raw glazed terracotta, rich with slipping, will be loaded and nursed to top temperature of 1150 over 16 hours, with varying atmospheric conditions.

Tunnel Kiln

Firing to 1140. In a complete change of direction this kiln is focussed on delivering an earthenware approach. Local red clays, burnt dark by the firing, covered in a white slip and rich lead glazes, possibly a first for NZ, but this firing method has been used in France and Spain for centuries. This kiln will be the last to get going and needs a carefully controlled firing.

Louis Kittleson

Louis is in charge of the kiln built in 2012 by Gyan. This innovative bottle kiln design will need to be loaded and fired over 3 days and finished with a charcoal loading to slow cool the kiln under reduction. Sign up on Thursday to be one of the crew.

Bottle Kiln (Gyan’s Kiln)

Firing to around 1250, this kiln rewards careful firebox stoking as the shelves surround the firebox. This kiln has a range of atmospheric conditions and temperature zones – some great spots for those who want the ash all over their work, and areas where the quiet soft blushes occur.

Click on the button to download the slip and glaze recipes we used

Additional Kiln Action

We’re also anticipating additional low firing kiln like the straw dog kiln being constructed and loaded with your work. So when you arrive on Thursday you’ll be off to a busy start.

We’re excited to announce an added bonus firing event. Peter Lange, ably assisted by his daughter Jenny, are going to be building a special kiln that will be another world first. Peter, over the years, has built a wide range of kilns – some from unlikely materials, others in unlikely shapes. This kiln will be giving a nod to another iconic rural motif and hopefully function slightly better than the ice kiln.

Makers / Collaborators

We’ve chosen a diverse range of makers to inspire and challenge you. Each maker is encouraged to be spontaneous and to build work collaboratively with the other guest makers and participants. The clay will be various local clays and additions like river sands or other found materials is to be encouraged. Some of the work will be for the various firings if suitable.

Elena Renker

Elena Renker

Anneke Borren

Anneke Borren

Fiona Tunnicliffe

Fiona Tunnicliffe

Kate Fitzharris

Kate Fitzharris

Darry Frost

Darry Frost

Mike O'Donnell

Mike O'Donnell

Laurie Steer

Laurie Steer